I was just in DC for a work trip, a little premature for the cherry blossoms but they were certainly on my mind. Who could not think of these beautiful blossoms.

During my travels, I picked up a cherry blossom elixir, a simple sugar syrup. With this in hand, I asked myself, what would a cherry blossom taste like? I know, such a weird thought. How about a FROZEN cherry blossom I took some artistic liberties with this cocktail, obviously.
Iced Cherry Blossom Cocktail
1.0oz Ours Vodka
2.5oz Cranberry Ice
0.5oz Cherry Blossom Elixer
Just mix this up in a shaker and pour in a coupe glass. Voila! If you cannot find the Cherry Elixir, make a quick simple syrup to put in this drink.
Enjoy this delicate, yet fun drink babes! xo
Cherry Blossom ElixerCranberry IceIced Cherry Blossom CocktailOurs VodkaOurs Vodka recipevodka review
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