On March 14th, the Slow Wine US Tour stopped in NYC, and yours truly was able to try ethically source wine from Italy, paired with Eataly’s amazing food

The tour itself stops in five major cities nationwide. The Slow Wine Guide maintains their unique approach to wine criticism which looks at a variety of factors to evaluate wineries. The selection process is rigorous and is based on the fundamental Slow Wine principals – sustainability, transparency, connection with the land and of course, the high quality.

Slow Wine was established to showcase the current Italian wine landscape. The guide features reviews of over 400 different wineries, each one visited by Slow Food experts.

Slow Wine continues its new endeavor of expanding into the United States this year with reviews of California, and Oregon wineries. The American wineries were reviewed using the same “Slow” philosophy that is at the core of the Guide. In inclusion of US wineries marks the Guide’s most aggressive steps to take their Slow philosophy worldwide. The Guide’s founding organization, Slow Food, has been international since 1989.

I had Pinot, Chianti, bubbly and so much more. The food was amazing and paired well with some of Italy’s finest (ethically sourced) wine.
eatalySlow Wine US TourSlow Wine US Tour nycslow wine usa tour 2023
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