SallyeAnder Soaps for Beautiful Skin
Looking for a gift for… well anyone? SallyeAnders soap is a uniquely beautiful option that’s well, good for your skin, leaves you smelling good and is beautifully crafted.
Look at those swirls! Each piece of their soaps are hand cut and carefully crafted with the finest quality ingredients.
SallyAnder is a second generation owned business, operating over 35 years, manufacturing all-natural, hypoallergenic, functional soaps that are sold in over 2,000 stores nationwide. That’s a lot of soap! The owner Sallie Austin vows to never test on animals, use coconut or palm oils, nor use artificial chemicals in her soap — that’s right!

SallyAnder is a second-generation owned business
My skin is delicate and I quickly noticed after taking a shower with their Lavender Moon Swirl Soap that my skin was noticeably softer. My guess is due to the oatmeal in the soap for exfoliating. SallyAnder Soap was perfect for my highly sensitive skin.
I highly recommend this soap and enjoyed trying a few of their other products. I like to think of them as a more adult Lush, but probably more organic and natural, plus local to NY since they have a new shop located in Beacon, NY. Get yours at sallyeander.com
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