On December 9th I went to Nitti’s for one of my new whiskey favorites, Duke & Dame, and their holiday event.
We first had the Duke & Dame Salted Caramel Whiskey. Neat with our brand ambassador who informed us The product features 100% natural ingredients – no artificial flavoring, coloring or additives. You can indulge in this salted caramel spirit with just one gram of sugar per serving
We met with the co-founders of the brand, Amani Macaulay and Chima Burey to hear about the company’s plans for the new year. The two friends who got their start here in the Big Apple as finance professionals on Wall Street, and then discovered their love for whiskey and created this award-winning brand. My guest and I met Chima who directed us which drinks to try based on our tastes.
Drinks we tried were Kiss the Dame (Duke & Dame, Yellow Chartreuse maraschino Liqueur, ;emon), Royal Mistress (Duke & Dame, Fernet-Branca, Yellow Chartreuse, Lemon Demerara Syrup), Manattan made with Duke & Dame and my favorite the North Star (Duke & Dame, amaretto, apple cinnamon, nutmeg). We had tasty treats like small pizza bites, steak, zucchini with risotto and more.
Looking for a good Duke & Dame cocktail? Try anything fruity, I discovered this when I experimented a few months ago.
Definitely, a must-have bottle for your holiday party this season.
523 9th Ave
New York, NY 10018
Duke & DameDuke & Dame – Salted Caramel Flavored WhiskeyDuke & Dame reviewnitti'snitti's nyc
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