NoBull Burgers

NoBull Burgers

I seem to always find myself finding a new veggie burger when I am on a diet. It’s kind of staple for me.

With so many veggie burgers coming up on the market, finding a brand that doesn’t have a whole bunch of additives and fillers is tough. Since the early 2000’s NoBull Burger has been serving up all the goodness without the bullsh*t. NoBull is made of organic lentils and grains and various roasted veggies- that’s it. And, I love lentils. 💕

You can air fry NoBull Burgers
You can air fry NoBull Burgers

NoBull Burger’s mission is to make plants taste delicious, offering a healthier choice for your planet, body, and mind by crafting 100% plant-based burgers.

NoBull Burgers in the air fryer
NoBull Burgers in the air fryer

You can make you make them on the stove, oven, microwave, but I decided to make them in the air fryer. All you need to do is put it on 400 degrees for 15 minutes and voila!

I made two different flavors that were both good. The original had more carrots 🥕 in it and the mushroom 🍄 version was more savory. They very filling and I couldn’t finish both. I had the curry one too and that was delicious.

NoBull Burgers cooked
NoBull Burgers cooked

NoBull Burger stands apart by never using isolates or wheat gluten, offering a true, whole-food, real food veggieburger experience that’s packed with all-natural, organic ingredients.

They come in a two pack and you can purchase NoBull’s website



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