Now that we have so much time at home, we have the time to read all the books we’ve ever wanted! Check out these new releases to help inspire and pass the time in our houses.

Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook
Organize your life. Do you dream of getting organized, but have no idea where to start? Cluttered Mess to Organized Success: Declutter and Organize your Home and Life with over 100 Checklists and Worksheets offers you everything you need to organize your home, family and your time. This book not only provides helpful tips and advice, but it is jam packed with over 100 worksheets, forms, labels, schedules and everything else you need to organize your life.
Declutter your way to happiness. Cassandra Aarssen is a Professional Organizer and creator of the successful blog and YouTube channel, ClutterBug. After struggling for years with chaos and clutter, Cassandra transformed her home and her life through organization. She now shares her favorite organizing tips, tricks and secrets in order to help others declutter their way to happiness. Cassandra’s debut book, Real Life Organizing has been inspiring families from all over the world to get control of their clutter and fall in love with their home all over again.
Amazon, $19.95

The CBD Skincare Solution: The Power of Cannabidiol for Healthy Skin
President Clinton’s allergist couldn’t help her. Another physician suggested that she soak in a diluted solution of bleach three times per week. After Manisha Singal MD, a prominent Chief Medical Officer in Washington, DC went several rounds with doctors trying to find a cure for her painfully debilitating skin irritation, she eventually sought out her own therapy. Sound familiar?
Initially, the vague diagnosis of multiple chemical hyper-sensitivity prompted her to “…toss out everything in my bathroom. No perfumes, no dyes, no chemical additives.” Despite being a critical care physician, Dr. Singal always tried to avoid taking medications. But eventually she found herself on a heavy arsenal of pharmaceuticals. When everything failed, she turned to homeopathic solutions.
Having extensively researched cannabidiol or CBD, she knew of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic “painkilling” properties.
“There is an old proverb, ‘Physician, heal thyself.’ It was time to give that a go.”
It turned out that CBD helped to cure her skin condition and improve her overall appearance.
Dr. Manisha Singal’s story, and the wellness benefits of CBD for the skin are documented in her new book, The CBD Skincare Solution: The Power of Cannabidiol for Healthy Skin (Llewellyn Publications, August 2020).
Amazon, $14.99

Take Care of Your Type
by Christina S. Wilcox
Many of us have used the Enneagram of Personality to understand ourselves on a profoundly intimate level. But despite what our Enneagram type reveals, it’s not always easy to know the best ways to take care of ourselves according to our unique personalities.
Enneagram expert and social media sensation Christina S. Wilcox uses her knowledge of the Enneagram to illuminate how each of the nine Enneagram types can practice better self-care according to their unique and beautiful personalities. Providing a brief introduction to each Enneagram type and Christina delves into how to use this information to create lasting self-care habits at a time when we call use a little more nurturing and TLC.
Amazon, $19.99

Getting It: A Guide to Hot, Healthy Hookups and Shame-Free Sex
By Allison Moon
Getting It empowers readers of all stripes and sexualities with suggestions, tips, and tricks for having not just the conversation you want but also the one you need. Getting It explores shame and getting yourself, flirting and boundaries, consent, the ins and outs of casual sex, how to deepen your existing and future relationships, and how to properly handle rejection (or rejecting someone else).
Allison equips us with the knowledge and language to center clear and effective communication in all facets of our sexual lives. And because sex doesn’t happen in a vacuum, Allison keeps a keen eye on how healthy sex practices intersect with sexual politics and justice. Getting It includes a Casual Sex Bill of Rights and a chapter on sexual citizenship and integrity, normalizing safer sex practices and empowerment in hopes of expanding sexual freedom and positivity for all. With grace, expertise, and flair Allison declares, “What I hope to do with this book isn’t just help you get laid tonight, but teach you how to be a better sexual citizen.”
Amazon, $18.00
Allison moonCassandra AarssenChristina s. wilcoxCluttered Mess to Organized Success WorkbookDr Manisha SingalGetting It: A Guide to HotHealthy Hookups and Shame-Free SexTake Care of Your Type
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