What to eat? What not to eat? These are the age-old questions.
HelloWellness aims to throw events that are an inclusive space for women to meet, connect, and discover wellness IRL. On December 13th they hosted ‘Debunking Diet Misconceptions with @ConfessionofaDietitian’ Melissa Rifkin. This event allowed attendees to learn more about what diets work and what people can do to become healthier.

HelloWellness Event ‘Debunking Diet Misconceptions with @ConfessionofaDietitian’
The night started out with a delicious meal from Dig In at the Assemblage John Street, sipped on mood-boosting drinks at the Elixir Bar, and tried a bunch of new snacks from favorite brands, like Kodiak Cakes.
Melissa answered so many of our diet questions about everything from keto to carbs. Here are some diet myths she kicked to the curb.

The Assemblage
Carbs are bad for you.
Melissa doesn’t like to think about good and bad food—it’s more about how the food serves your body. White foods don’t really serve us well, whole grains do so much more for your body!
You must exercise for weight loss.
Melissa says you don’t! Diet contributes to 80% of weight loss, while exercise contributes to 20%. Exercise is a nice complement to healthy eating.
Gluten free. Is it healthier?
It’s not better unless you have Celiac, IBS, etc. Gluten free products tend to be higher in carbs and sugar.
Are fat-free products good for you?
No! You should eat fat. If something has fat in you’re more likely to take less and it’s more satiating. It tastes a lot better, too. Like everything, Melissa advises eating it in moderation.
Cleanses are great for weight loss.
Your body does an amazing job at detoxing. The problem with cleanses is that you take in a lot less calories, and more sugar. Then, you get to the end of the cleanse and eat everything in sight! You might lose weight, but it’s going to be water weight.

The crowd
I really recommend these events. I learned so much from Melissa and it gave me more insights on how I want to shake up my diet.
ConfessionofaDietitiancookingdiginnfitness eventshealth eventsHealthyhellowellnesshellowellness eventsnyc events
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