Boozy ice cream is all the rage. I was excited to try The Curious Creamery’s boozy ice cream but really surprised that it came in a packet and it was actually DELICIOUS.
Mind you, I’ve never made ice cream (successfully) before, SO I was totally skeptical. HOW CAN THAT PACKET MAKE ICE CREAM? With the help of god, a Kitchen Aid and some water, and OH YEAH, BOOZE.I was able to create this tasty treat.

It’s like a batter
I made Irish Cream (Bailey’s) and Tequila- Lime (VivaXXXII) ice cream and followed the instructions. I was shocked that the mixture rose and filled up a half a pint after mixing. I froze it overnight and it was surprisingly like ice cream. The tequila ice cream was a bit creamier, but the Irish Cream’s consistency was more like the stuff in the supermarket. OVERALL IT WAS SO GOOD.
This is perfect for the girl’s night in.
bailey's Irish creamboozy ice creamThe Curious CreameryThe Curious Creamery reviewVIVA XXXII Cocktail RecipesVIVA XXXII tequila
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