Calling all Brewers! Colorado State University and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) are hosting a weeklong course this summer on a variety of topics for industry professionals. This sounds like a dream college to me!
“Setting the Standard: A Deep Dive into Quality,” will be held July 31 to Aug. 4 in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Industry experts from around the country will discuss the what, why and how of quality brewing and quality measures that should be used by brewers, large and small. The course, offered by the ASBC in conjunction with CSU, will combine educational lecture and laboratory work to give attendees the tools to demystify the quality process.
The course features lectures and hands-on exercises, lunches, a New Belgium Brewing tour with dinner at Illegal Pete’s, a tour of the Odell Brewing Company, an ASBC Local Area Brewing Science meeting and a beer-pairing dinner in Denver at Blue Moon Brewing Company’s new brewery. Transportation to the offsite tours and LABS meeting is included.
Course topics include “Microbiology,” “Introduction to Brewing Chemistry,” “Basic Sensory,” “Raw Materials,” “Packaging Quality” and “QA Management Systems.”
The course fee is $1,745 for ASBC members and $1,795 for nonmembers. Visit for a full schedule as well as hotel and registration information.
American Society of Brewing ChemistsASBCColorado State UniversityIllegal Pete’sNew Belgium BrewingSetting the Standard: A Deep Dive into Quality
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