I’m all about making my face look golden –yllo. I’ve tried many masks and I really like what yllo is all about — confidence, fun, and creating beautiful skin.

YLLO Face Mask
The packaging is natural-looking bag that is big enough for a whoppin’ 20 treatments, but I suspect more. One of the things that stuck out to me was the phrase give your face a punch in the face. I chuckled. Any good product will make your skin flare before it gets better.
The product itself is 100% natural, vegan, gluten-free. It’s made of Organic Turmeric (hence yllo), Chickpea Flour, Coconut Oil, Cane Sugar, Sea Salt, Vitamin E Oil, Essential Lemon Oil. It reduced redness and inflammation and with continued use, you’ll be fighting acne, fading scarring, preventing wrinkles, and lightening, facial hair growth.
I first washed my face to remove any makeup and then created a mix of yllo. I added one teaspoon of yllo and water to make the mask and applied it to my face. Left it on for 20 minutes and voila!
My skin feels really good. I can’t wait to use this product more! Find it at ylloscrub.com for $24.95
Cane SugarChickpea FlourCoconut OilEssential Lemon Oilface maskfacial maskgluten-freenaturalOrganic TurmericSea SaltveganVitamin E Oilylloyllo maskyllo scrubyllo scrub review
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