if anyone knows me well, I’ve been losing weight like it’s my job. Recently, I’ve been adding muscle by lifting weight and doing TRX.
Here are 5 reasons why 90% of Americans are lifting weights incorrectly from celebrity fitness trainer & therapist, Michael Moschel, author of The Dysfunction Manifesto, and leading expert in pain, postural problems and muscular imbalances:
- When you use leverage, you need to use the dominant side of the body more causing imbalance
- This imbalance can often lead to pain and injury
- You compensate with the lower body when exercising the upper body and vice-versa, with the upper body when exercising the lower body causing users to use the dominant side of the body more.
- This compensation leads to exercise plateau because the body can get used to the exercise – when you use the SKY PRESSCYCLE you don’t plateau because your body doesn’t get used to the exercise
- The more you are right or left hand dominant the more you lift weights in a dominant fashion, therefore, creating the environment for injury
There were over 50,000 ER visits last year stemming from exercise equipment accidents. The main reason why people lift weights incorrectly is that they don’t have a disengaging motion with a target exercise and therefore they favor the dominant side of the body causing imbalance and injury. Don’t be one of them!
5 Lifting Tips To Prevent Injurybook exceptDysfunction ManifestoDysfunction Manifesto bookmichael moschelmuscleskypressweightweight liftingweight lifting tips
what do you think?